
Updates On Anarchist Partisans From December 6th

From Anarchist Black Cross Belarus, Belarus All four partisans (Ihar Alinevich, Sergey Romanov, Dzmitry Dubovsky and Dzmitry Rezanovich) continue to be held in the KGB detention center. According to our data, no violence is used against them. After several weeks of lawlessness, the Chekists began to accept food supplies. Ihar

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Thoughts on Constructing Anarchisms

From Libertarian Labyrinth by Shawn P. Wilbur 1.—Making Anarchism « Our Own » Let’s begin with a couple of questions that we are committed, at this point to answering to the best of our ability: What is anarchy? What is anarchism? No pressure… But if you want to get up

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Solidarity from Philly to Kenosha

The Solidarity with Kenosha, WI demo was more impressive than usual. People met up, discussed the plan, and started promptly. Escalation started right away and continued as a group of over 45 people marched through the streets chanting and smashing windows of banks, business and developments. There was a surprising

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ROAR Collective Roundtable: A feminist response to the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the essential roles care work and reproductive labor fulfill in our societies. But will it lead to gender liberation? Roar Mag, August 19, 2020 he COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated nearly every kind of social injustice. In the Global North, it has disproportionately

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Truthout: “Facebook Has Begun Purging Accounts Tied to Anti-Fascist Groups”

Spencer Sunshine, August 21, 2020 On Wednesday a number of anarchist Facebook accounts, some of which were associated with the antifascist movement, were removed without warning. These included It’s Going Down — a widely followed news and media platform publishing original content and reprinted analyses about “anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial

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Stand with Anarchist Publishers Banned by Facebook

Sign our open letter to oppose Facebook’s “both sides” narrative as they align with the Trump administration to suppress the voices of activists and media producers associated with left protest movements. As publishers, authors, educators, activists, and media producers, we are deeply troubled by Facebook’s decision to ban,,

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Radically Redistributing Mutual Aid

Via: MADR Over the past three months, starting with the pandemic and expanding into the current rebellion, there has been a beautiful flowering of mutual aid. These projects grew from the seeds of already-existing collective care. Indeed, “mutual aid” wasn’t invented by radical social theorists, even if anarchist geographer Peter

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We Defend Ourselves So We Can All Breathe In Peace

To move from uprising to liberation we each have a role to play. The conflict is at our doors, and we need to put collective needs before individual wants. “Negroes must concern themselves with every single means of struggle: legal, illegal, passive, active, violent and non-violent.” — Lorraine Hansberry This

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What Is AntiFa? 5 Things To Know About The Movement

President Trump tweeted Sunday that he’s designating “AntiFa” as a “terrorist organization,” but can he legally do that? WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon that the United States will designate antifa as a terrorist organization, although some say the U.S. government doesn’t have the legal authority to

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Crimethinc: What Will It Take to Stop the Police from Killing?

We’ve reached a breaking point. The murders of George Floyd—and Breona Taylor, Tony McDade, and the other Black people whose lives were ended by police just this month—are only the latest in a centuries-long string of tragedies. But in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the state is openly treating Black communities as a

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