Tagged as: california

A Fire Burning

PG&E has failed the people of California. The company has been giving billions of dollars to investors through dividend payments and payouts to politicians instead of doing the necessary repairs for its aging fire hazard infrastructure. Millions of people have recently been left without power, and hundreds of thousands of

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Building Arks

At the end of last year, we wrapped up our second workshop tour. Over three months, we worked our way from Albuquerque to San Diego, then north toward Seattle, and across the midwest into Wisconsin, making a total of 21 stops. In traveling west, we wanted to understand the unique

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#CampFire: We Are Rooted Here - North Valley Mutual Aid

The following is a report back from the North Valley Mutual Aid group, which is organizing an autonomous response to the Camp Fire from Chico, CA: WHO WE ARE We’re North Valley Mutual Aid (NVMA). As you’ve probably heard, the Camp Fire that started on November 8th is the deadliest

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What It Takes to Build an Anarchist Desert Town

From Atlas Obscura In Slab City, the public library has no due dates and no library cards. The books are organized by section, but not alphabetized. In this anarchist squatter town in California’s Sonoran Desert, established on the empty foundations of a military camp created in the 1940s, the library

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