It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that the major two political parties in the United States of America are corrupt, but the elite of both the Republican and Democratic parties are flaunting their mutual corruption in the …
You are Anonymous, You are Project Mayhem 2012
The group of hacktivists known as “Anonymous” are now making predictions about what they would like to see happen through the dates of December 12th-21st, 2012. They have released a new video (transcript below) as well as links to related …
What does a “competent democracy” look like?
A Competent Democracy presents a detailed analysis of our political systems today and asks the question throughout: Do our political systems today offer any technical approach to governing society and are our political systems socially …
Big Bad Corn
Do you know where your tax dollars go — and what’s in the food you eat? Check out this infographic created by to learn about corn, and the effect it has on our bodies and our planet.
I’ve Heard That You’ve Felt Some Pain
I’ve heard that you’ve felt some pain That you’ve finally escaped And you ran away
Little pig welcome to my farm I won’t hurt you or Cause you harm
Your bruised and your bleeding bad Let me help you out …
The Fascinating Story of Dirt
Have an hour and a half or so? Check out Dirt! the movie:
DIRT! The Movie–directed and produced by Bill Benenson and Gene Rosow–takes you inside the wonders of the soil. It tells the story …
Interesting Stuff Around the Webosphere
Take a gander, and add your links in the comments!
Diversity of Tactics and the One Percent:
[T}he movement’s violence in Tahrir Square isn’t relevant to other movements that are still in stage three. In the U.K., the ...