Excavator Occupation in #RWE’s #Garzweiler Open Pit Mine

We, an autonomous group of environmental activists, occupied today, Monday Nov. 12th, 2018 an excavator in the Garzweiler open pit mine near Keyenberg.

Originally published by Hambi Bleibt. Image by @Baggadagga1

The open-pit mining is progressing tirelessly, destroying habitat in favor of the production of electricity, which in turn drives much of the destruction of living space here and elsewhere by the industry. This destruction takes place both directly by the excavator buckets, as well as indirectly by the emission of greenhouse gases and the resulting climate change. We are in solidarity with the inhabitants of the threatened villages of Keyenberg, Kuckum, Berverath, Unterwestrich and Oberwestrich, Morschenich and Manheim, Pödelwitz, as well as the people in the global south, which is much more affected by climate change and whose homes have to yield to the profit of others.

Furthermore, we send solidary greetings to the occupation in the Trebur forest, which was evicted on Tuesday in favour of the irresponsible expansion of the Frankfurt airport, and to the occupied house in Manheim, which was evicted on Thursday.

To prevent worse there is only one possibility here and now:
Coal stays in the ground, activists stay up.