You are Anonymous, You are Project Mayhem 2012

The group of hacktivists known as “Anonymous” are now making predictions about what they would like to see happen through the dates of December 12th-21st, 2012. They have released a new video (transcript below) as well as links to related websites and social networking accounts.

You are Anonymous. You are Project Mayhem 2012 .

On the 10 days that go from 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012, the world will see an unprecedented amount of Corporate, Financial, Military and State leaks that will have been secretly gathered by millions of CONSCIENTIOUS citizens, vigilantes, whistle blowers and initiates.


Imagine the corrupts start to fear us. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, But when the government fears the people, there is liberty. People shouldn’t fear of their government. Governments should fear their people.

Four billion years of evolutionary success encoded deep within the fabric of every strand of our dna. Four billion years of evolutionary success has brought us here. A turning point for humanity, into a new aeon. An age where light has pierced into darkness illuminating all things.. We are all absolutely FREE! there are no rulers, there are no masters, there is no elite. The time to take control of our reality is now. This is the time to wake up, this is the time to expose all lies, this is the time we ascend from darkness.

  • Imagine we finally find the COURAGE needed to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE in the World.
  • Imagine we conquer Freedom by beginning to be Free.
  • Imagine we conquer Justice by beginning to do Fair.
  • Imagine we conquer Truth by beginning to do and be True to ourselves.
  • Imagine the System is built upon lies.
  • Imagine we Leak it all.
  • Imagine we all synchronize our clocks to act at the same Time, on the Winter solstice, the 21st of December 2012 at eleven minutes past eleven local time.

Einstein Said there are two infinite things, the universe and humans stupidity, the latter end is for us to prove the contrary. Ultimately, What is the purpose of a science capable of sending a man to the moon, but unable to put a piece of bread on the table of every human. Humans now has enough technology to make happy each person on the planet. You agree the social degradation because you’ve never known anything else.Our planet does not belong to anyone. Our planet is our house to all, the sky is our roof, humanity and all life forms are our family. We must all help to show the right path to each brother and sister of our big family humankind. Stop the division amongst ourselves, stop being selfish, live for all of us we are a big family.

Now it’s to you to choose the future you wish leave to your children. there are two possibilities, either you continue as now and one day the human being will destroy itself or you become conscious of you are a big family, and it’s time to rebuild a better world than now. Now it is for the majority to retake control of the planet. We do not want violence, and it must not happen because there can be no loser. You will all win. It can never be a perfect world, but it is easy to make a better and more just one.

Behind the clouds, there’s always the sun, we are the sun, we are Anonymous. We will not forgive before December 21st, we will not forget before December 21st. You have now received the virus Project Mayhem 2012, This virus can be easily transmitted through a simple thought or word. This virus is one of strength, love and lulz. The side effects? Cleansing the mind of fear. This weapon of mass seduction has been claiming victims by the thousands and will only grow. Never forget that there is nothing in a caterpillar that would make us think that it will become a butterfly .

We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive.
We do forget.
December 21, 2012, expect us.

Follow us: / / /

More Info:

Project Mayhem 2012 ‘Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2′:
Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler:


#TYLER Discussion:

Host Project Mayhem 2012 Mirror: | French Version:


  • April Streich

    Can’t wait.

  • jericho_gi

    so is this somewhat of a fire sale?

    • littleski5

      Yeah this is sounding like bad news.

  • bad chickken

    hit them where it hurts. grand speeches are lovely but ineffective. when someone hits you where does it hurt the most besides -love-. money. hack the irs. take out the takers. just the beginning of sorrows.

  • Z3R@TUL

    i really cant wait, i have a lot of stuff that needs to be uploaded, philippine law sucks ! and i want everybody to know what kind of government we do have right now, Im no coder, but i am hacker on this day i will show this country what is like to Anonymous, cyber law sucks

  • super76

    This Must Be Done!!!! Can’t Wait.

  • slamd095

    Great idea…but to topple a government you will need to hurt them badly enough or scare them badly enough to change the minds of those in position. The governments are filled to the rim with corruption. For instance, let me put some of my thoughts out there.
    Taxes are paid multiple times over. First it comes our of a pay check, then on the gas that is paid for your vehicle. Any utilities you have are also taxed. Think about all you purchase. It doesnt matter the government, chances are….there is a tax somewhere. Now think about all that money. Trillions of currency…where? how is it every government out there is in debt? Where did all that money go? As i look around, i see wasted tax money all over the place…please let us know how we can help…

    • littleski5

      Most of it is just spent on military efforts, unfortunately. The most unproductive of efforts imaginable…

  • Pierre Cavalli

    Pure magic

  • Aaron Socio

    “Einstein Said there are two infinite things, the universe and humans stupidity, the latter end is for us to prove the contrary.” — How exactly do any of you plan to do that by leaking information that only has the capability to cause social unrest?(Not the “cool” kind, either. The kind where police and military stay home to protect their own families). Brilliant. Hint: When a bird attacks it’s image in the mirror long enough, eventually the mirror breaks. :)

    • littleski5

      Its tough. On one hand I support the leaks because there are way too many cases where things are kept silent for corrupt or non-productive reasons, but there are occasions where secrets serve a purpose.

      I would think that the majority of these secrets aren’t those that would be volatile if released.

  • Anonymous H.R.G

    Expect Us

  • Frank

    It wont happen. If that were to happen, there would be mass rioting in the streets because we would all be totally worthless. Only about 3% the US population farms anymore. Many people would starve, and our government would fall. Then we would be free for China or the Illuminati to take over.

  • zarathos

    How does one become a member

  • Anonymous

    We are Anonymous,We are legion,We do not forgive,We do not forgive,EXPECT US!

  • Jazeem Azeez

    the truth :: in my opinion wat anonymus can or prefer to do is
    :: not remove capitalism :: capitalist are not your enemy its the inflation caused by them aka GOVT :: that is basically due to the creation or introduction of unearned money aka liquidity

    major source for this !!! pointing out only a few
    1. TAX
    2. Money in reserve that is people earning / keeping money that they cannot spend in their lifetime
    3. over profiting ::taking too much profit for something or any thing that dosen’t worth for the value eg:: in india petrol is sold for 75 INR as of 2012 where as actual rate should be 18.95 rs and for water 15 rs - 20 rs instead of 3.45 rs in both above cases (profit - standardized to 70% : ie rate + (70% of rate) )

    4. BANKING ON INTEREST based system

    solutions :: are proposed in history
    in see bible,Quran, Vedas
    1. avoid banking on interest
    2. GOVT should not depend on TAXing system instead it can be generous bussines system that do any good bussines and deliver the profit for people goodness there by it can provide more jobs, money, stability, provide funding for research etc etc this solves all the known problem
    3. avoid democracy instead depend on more light weight king rule where kings should be like calipha umar, Great Asoka etc etc … also there should be an advisory panel that can control him so :: also they should be role model for the nation::

    —->other opinions are invited :: mailme @ [email protected]( world is open so should be your minds )…..

    • littleski5

      Uh, I’m sorry but taking out democracy and instituting a king? This definitely does not sound like a solution to me.

  • Decadence

    so my only question, what time zone is the “local time”? I am in japan right now so when would this be going down for me?

  • littleski5

    I’ll be honest here, nothing has ever simultaneously comforted and scared me as much as Anonymous and related organizations. They have power, organization, drive, membership, ambition for great things against people who aren’t so great. But what they also have is a destructive urge that I fear will either burn them out before they can reach their goals, or corrupt them and eventually turn them into the very systems they hate. I think one of the number one goals of Anonymous should be that of real productivity, not supposed “justice” through just destroying whoever they see fit or opposed (even if they are to be sure very corrupt forces).

    Don’t focus your efforts on destruction, on toppling a government and economic system, even if it is corrupt. Because what is left will not magically become paradise. People forget that even when corrupt systems and people leave, they leave power vacuums in their place and even more horrible systems and people fill the gaps. So, instead focus on improving the system from within. Hijacking it for a purer cause, so to speak. Yeah, please keep on whistleblowing and all that jazz, lord knows we could use more of that, but be careful about the way you go about this.

    I want to see these efforts truly prosper. I don’t want to see Anonymous become the enemy they’re trying to destroy, or even more corrupt, because its happened too many times before in too predictable a manner. This is a noob speaking here and I wish you all the best of luck.

  • Tung Ngo

    I’m 15 years old. I love technology. I love to play on my computer. I hope i can join anonymous. I love anonymous. You are the best.

  • Junichi

    [email protected]

    can someone hack this to me pls?
    bec. thats my email
    and it’s been hack
    and i heard that you all are pro
    so pls. let me take it back T_T

  • Anon over 9000

    Anonymous should shut down and permanently cripple the three big credit
    reporting corporation. They are evil to there core- they “never” make
    mistakes and they ruin peoples lives with a stoke from their key boards.
    There system is corrupt and heinous. THEY LIE AND PERPETUATE LIES THAT
    to obtain shelter, food, employment, heath care, insurance, education,
    all aspects of the defunct American Dream. There is no bigger evil that
    disrupts our daily life with out a hint of justice truth or fair play.
    These three corporation have control over how you live and if you have
    the basic necessities of daily life- shameful and heinous. A mans good
    name and reputation is just a lie away from being damaged. THIS IS

    Equifax, P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374; phone: 800-685-1111

    Experian, P.O. Box 2104, Allen, TX 75013-2104; phone: 888-397-3742

    TransUnion, P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19022-2000; phone: 800-888-4213

    wipe out their data base and make them use a fresh fair level playing
    field or simple cease to exist and return to when Americans dealt with
    local business that we formed a bond with face to face not as some
    faceless number in the data base.

  • FreewillNinja

    I love (sarcasm) how so many people gravitate towards destruction.

    How about we show some intelligence and create a solution that makes use of the current system, with some smart mechanics in order to out create the issues plaguing the current one?! - own it, empower it, direct it, or let me know if there’s another pathway that equally empowers people to solve the issues of the world.

    Peace ^_^v, or gtfo ;p

  • anon

    This will fail just like the past attempts to overthrow the government. And if the government falls what do you expect to do? have everyone govern themselves?

  • longinus overman

    @zarathos:disqus, I believe we are ALL members. We just need to awaken inside of us. Its not so much a group that you follow but a group that just happens to be going the same way because of a like ideal or conscious. Can you feel this?