Paper Revolution is a collective of volunteer individuals who do not receive compensation for their continued efforts. Our website and social media accounts are occasionally used to generate or promote mutual aid for our own projects and in solidarity of the ideas and projects of other collective groups.
When we raise funds upon our website,, payments are processed using PayPal’s services and are subject to their processing fees. Our collective does not collect a fee for generating mutual aid for the causes of others - in fact - we are collectively against prioritizing profit over administrating mutual aid.
2015 Collective Transparency Report
Throughout the year of 2015 our collective attempted to generate funds in order to enable our collective members to freely create and collect their own mutual aid throughout our website. We had initially set a high fundraising goal of $2,000 in order to offset the costs of these features along with the upgrades we would need to successfully achieve our goal - however we were unable to successfully generate the amounts needed to do such. We plan to generate the funds needed in an alternate form throughout the next year. Our website began experiencing technical difficulties forcing the disabling of our mutual aid features - which we are working to restore shortly after publishing this report.
2015 Collective Goal: $2,000
Actual Operating Expenses: $222.97
Total Amount Raised: $48.25 ($1.73 less due to processing fee.)
Due to the generosity of an anonymous collective supporter the operating expenses for the year 2015 were successfully met in lieu of donations generated online.
2011-2014 Collective Transparency Report
2014 - We did not actively campaign for funds this year.
Due to the generosity of an anonymous collective supporter the operating expenses for the year 2014 were successfully met.
2013 - We did not actively campaign for Paper Revolution this year.
Due to the generosity of an anonymous collective supporter the operating expenses for the year 2013 were successfully met.
ALTERNATE CAMPAIGNING: Some of our collective members actively campaigned and raised funds for Occupy St. Louis & members of Occupy Minneapolis in order to help organize the Occupy The Midwest gathering during October of 2013. The funds generated for Occupy The Midwest were managed by members of Occupy St. Louis. Funds raise by Occupy Minneapolis helped offset the expenses of carpooling to St. Louis.
2012 - We did not actively campaign for Paper Revolution this year.
Due to the generosity of an anonymous collective supporter the operating expenses for the year 2012 were successfully met.
2011 - We did not actively campaign for Paper Revolution this year.
Due to the generosity of an anonymous collective supporter the operating expenses for the year 2011 were successfully met.
ALTERNATE CAMPAIGNING: Some of the founding members of Paper Revolution helped organize and generate funding for the Occupation of Minneapolis during the fall of 2011. Our collective has always funded and operated, the original website issuing the call for the occupation of Minneapolis.
This initial fundraising effort generated an amount totaling around $8,000 onto a WePay account. These funds were then transferred into an account managed by the Occupy Minneapolis Finance Committee to cover the costs of items such as the Porta-Potties, food & drinks for the kitchen, signage & pamphlet printing, sanitation products & equipment, medic supplies & equipment, along with many other various needs.
Transparency reports were originally made available online by the Occupy Minneapolis Finance Committee, however many of the various websites hosting these reports are no longer in service (,,
During the Minneapolis occupation our collective members were not any of those who received compensation or stipends for their participation within the movement. This collective was initially a part of those who made a clear distinction between Occupy Minneapolis and Occupy Homes MN which led to the eventual disassociation between the two groups.
More about this here on this page.
Paper Revolution would like to thank the continued generosity and support of our collective members and the public.
Without mutual aid we would not be able to continue organizing, participating, and promoting the initiatives needed to restore humanity and end corruption within our world.
We will continue to produce transparency reports on an annual basis in regards to the funds generated publicly to further our efforts.