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welcome to our divine disposition

he is like a sweater that enfolds me in ragu with meatballs. his delicious smell wafts unto me as a song that would fill my ears, or as the touch of his noodly appendage opens my eyes and brings to me a taste of divine understanding... as if his meatballs have spoken to my skin

pastalm xiii  1-4

our collective mission remains unchanged

together we will work to take the reins of our lives & make our own history rather than using the same energy to insist we are being made by it.  we work to inspire self-actualization for realized change.

” i gave you brains, the ability to reason, and free will for a reason. please use them. if i say something dumb, question it.

-piraticus xii 1-3

our divine disposition: a continuation of service until the end

an introduction into universalist pastafarianism

Universalist Pastafarianism, otherwise known as Al Dente Pastafari is a major branch of Pastafarianism and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster identifying primarily with the theology of their currently unnamed High Reverend, a 20th-21st Century German American Monk whose efforts to reform the theology and practice of both the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS) along with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CFSM) has yet to be seen, as he mistakenly went into hiding prior to hanging up or sharing a document similar to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses to a single church’s door.

The High Reverend was born in Southern Minnesota and was first raised within a bi-religious household, having family of both Jehovah’s Witness and Lutheran faith strongholds. Obviously – the marriage failed in the end, showcasing that even the Christian Lord himself cannot create the strongholds needed to give families strong foundations. He would go onto being both baptized and confirmed under the LCMS faith. Later in life, the High Reverend’s faith in Super Jesus began to waiver and he fell into a state of agnosticism and atheism. Continuing to follow his belief that there had to be something out there – the High Reverend was ordained by the Universal Life Church Monastery in January of 2006 – and continued on with his studies, observations, and religious practices.

Upon his ordination, the High Reverend felt as if he had always been guided by some touch, or force, from beyond. Later in 2006 the High Reverend was able to find the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and once enlightened he has been on a path to fully develop what he feels could be the most exacting standards by which His Holy Noodlyness would accept from any human throughout their lifetime. Of course, many of these teachings may contradict the current teachings of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – thus further validating Pastafarian beliefs through the continued interpretations of the texts of the Highest Prophet Bobby Henderson, while simultaneously but only slightly modifying or invalidating them, their teachings, and their interpretations.

The High Reverend and his Holy Crew of High Pirates have thusly set sail to create the ‘Matelotage of Our Divine Disposition’, a collective community which has hopes to both further the teachings of Al Dente Pastafi while continuing to live life within what we believe is His divine will so that we may encourage others to do the same, until we meet our own divine disposition.

areas of focus

education & inspiration

our collective has multiple initiatives created to inspire, empower, & further educate our collective global community. together we can work to restore humanity and the world itself.

being of service

our collective is a decentralized community of revolutionary nomads & activists who are working to build a better world. won’t you join us?

activation & self-actualization

our collective works to curate & disseminate resources in order to enlighten individuals who are on the road toward self-actualization.

these are our projects:

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